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After dinner, Rory continues organizing his notes and trying to determine the crystal coordinates for the manor gate. Trace reasons that since Danilon used the gate system extensively that there ought to be a directory of coordinates somewhere among his papers.

Chalker is interested in the beginning of Danilon's campaigns and the buildup of his army. He locates a comprehensive set of scrolls and bound books for the geopolitical situation of various lands in that era, with annotations by Danilon's researcher or perhaps Danilon himself. Chalker figures he will have to find Danilon's personal journals to glean campaign information, but he finds the annotations offer some insight into Danilon's thought process.

Trace studies the dead ice snake. Next to its venom sac he finds a small organ which concentrates mana. He theorizes that the snake's blood flowing through this organ enabled its unusually fast reflexes and enhanced the effectiveness of its venom. The mana in the organ is depleted, as though some event within the past day had caused the snake to use most of its reserve.

While Trace sleeps, he becomes aware of Cor, Mensep, and Jax. He gets Cor's attention "since he's been hanging around every day." "Greetings, Trace." "Greetings. I hear you have a... I don't know the word... past interest in the Venettians?" "Yes." "I guess they're all 'past,' I'm not sure." "Their descendants are still on Erethel, but yes, their culture and kingdom have passed." "What was their purpose? Did they have a purpose?" "They took magic and civilization to heights that Erethel is still striving to accomplish again." "I see." Cor's voice lowers, and his tone reflects melancholy and disappointment. "But they... some bad choices were made... and they reaped the consequences." "Will anything we're doing cause that again?" "You're at the point where you can begin that climb again. It's just how it's going to be made, or whether we just do the circle again." "I see." "Decisions that are being made will determine which way you go. And that is partially what's at the center of the discussion among the First Chosen." "In other words, those are 'the choices we have to make' that you were talking about?" "There are broad choices, and then there are all different nuances. The Venettians were, for the most part, a very honorable people. Of course, they made mistakes, and their mistakes led to the catastrophic fall of civilization, of which the echoes reverberate down the millenia." Trace nods as if he understands. Cor continues, "I sense you are a scholar who tries to go deeper into that time. Very little survives from that time. But what little survives is now coming back to the surface." "I know very little about it... at least, little that I recognize." "The things of the Venettians that are in protected places have survived. That which has been more exposed to time and tide has been swept away. Which is why I'm interested. You and your companions are expanding knowledge, pushing the Art, giving the Art... more prominence, more care... which is work I like to encourage and protect." Trace thanks Cor, who nods and steps away.

Rory spends an undisturbed night.

Chalker is again visited by the three circles: Mensep, Roo, Cor, Jax; Asseraah, Aaoo, Aup; Yasseph, Santash, Solash. Chalker concentrates on Santash, who appears as a female dwarf armed with a massive warhammer. She says briskly, "Yes, Chalker." "I just have a few things I'd like to discuss, if you don't mind, my lady." "I do not mind at all. I find your conversations always interesting, and hopefully enlightening." "I haven't done anything to recently upset you, correct?" "Correct." "I was just making sure. Are you aware that the conqueror Danilon is able to come back?" "I'm aware that he was able to master several Time spells, and had set in place several methods that he may be yanked up through time." "Oh. Is that okay with you?" "Danilon was not the most observant toward the wisdom and the justice that I support. He was not a Dwarven Friend, though most of his campaigns did not infringe upon dwarven territories." "Okay, I'll keep that in mind... Why did the First Chosen destroy the Venettians?" "Because of the consequences that flowed from decisions the Venettians made." "Okay. They made bad decisions." "Like all matters, it's more complex than that simple sentence. But in essence, that's the basic core truth of the matter. It's not the only truth, though." "At this particular time, the First Chosen are not discussing the destruction of this particular primitive civilization, are they?" "More discussing the path that we will encourage this particular civilization to follow." "I am in so much trouble. I can pretty much see that." Santash cocks her head and says, "None of the First Chosen are advocating the destruction of the current empires, civilizations, and people upon Erethel. We are not currently at a point where reassessment and realignment of cultures to allow more long-term thought, but Erethel has reached a point where decisions need to be made. And we are working amongst ourselves and the worshippers of us to determine which path the majority of Erethel will follow." "That's all, my lady." Santash smiles, turns and steps away, and Chalker awakens, thinking Note to self: The First Chosen did destroy the Venettians.

As the four finish breakfast, Malcolm walks into the room. He is unable to determine a way for the group to locate or access the Venettian platforms. Danilon had not been interested in them, though he was aware they existed. Chalker asks where Danilon's gate control panel is, and whether he had documentation about the gateways. Malcolm stares into space for several seconds, then replies, "I do not know where he kept them. I do know from the context of the rituals that I operate under that he was aware of all those locations himself. But beyond that, I do not know. One would think that he would have a written copy for his heirs, but he never gave that over to my direct protection." "Hmm," Chalker says, "Where is the room that was downstairs?" "I only know that I have to guard the former entrance to that area like I guard the rest of the manor." "There's nothing there." Malcolm repeats his previous statement. Chalker thanks and dismisses Malcolm, and the guardian fades from sight.

The morning and afternoon rounds of gates lead to a ballroom and several more bedrooms, about half of which Rory reckons are beneath the sea, in the general direction of the southern pole. This outcome prompts Rory to heavily revise his gate prediction algorithm. After dinner, they find six more mundane rooms.

Chalker senses the three circles. He focuses on Solash, who steps forward. "Yes, Chalker. I am surprised that you chose to talk to me tonight." "I am not afraid of the light, and I have met the truth. Since you are the truth, I have a question for you." "When I answer, I will answer with truth." "I'm trying to reconcile something. Why did the First Chosen completely destroy the [S Empire]? You left remnants of the Venettians. But you completely destroyed the [S]." "The Venettian Empire was quite thorough in their retribution and anger toward that empire." "Oh, the Venettians destroyed the Empire?" "There was a war. And in wars, sometimes the victors are cruel." "So the Venettians destroyed the [S Empire]." Solash is silent. Chalker muses, "The absence of truth would seem to be a lie, but it's not, is it." "Not really. There's some data, some information, some facts that it is not appropriate to reveal at this time. The absence of truth, as you said, is not necessarily a lie. It's just the absence of information. However, it can be inferred, and cause a lie. A lot of people are quite good at that. I have had adherents, worshippers over the years who have misled entire nations while never telling a single lie, except by inference. People hear what they expect to hear." "That's more cruel than a lie, actually." "Yes, it is." "Well, you truthfully answered my question. And since I had never spoken to the truth, I thought it would be interesting to get your perspective. I hope that after this discussion y'all have, one day you and I can have another discussion... on light." Solash looks back over his shoulder, and it seems to Chalker that a silent exchange passed between Solash and Asseraah. [John: "He's raising his bet."]

Trace sends a Wizard Eye to examine the 'bait room.' He notes a thin, circular seam in the ceiling and a small weathervane under the bed (set to detect air movement and trigger a spell). Several items in the room have been disturbed. Trace reports, "Yep, somebody's been in there."

Rory, Chalker, and Striker enter a gate to a hallway near the capital of the 'time island.' There they find a live gate with two active crystals that leads to an office. On a desk, along with an inkwell, is a scrying crystal which activates at a touch. It shows an image of a bedroom.

Chalker finds a registration book for a wing of the palace that is reserved for guests -- mid-range merchants, most likely. He takes this ledger with him and studies the names. Meanwhile, Rory finds a dozen doors leading to identical rooms, and at the other end of the hallway, a large gate with a full crystal array. This gate leads to a conference room beneath the capital city of Malprin. It is a large and well-furnished conference room, with a side buffet, several doors leading to smaller meeting rooms, and a gate with six crystal slots.

That night, Chalker focuses on Roo. He whispers to her, "Have you ever been to Zales?" but Roo doesn't seem to recognize the place. Chalker asks, "What was the mistake the Venettians made?" "They were careless." "They were more like you than they were allowed to be?" "More like us in a manner dangerous to their existence." "They became more like the First Chosen?" "You should learn that on your own rather than me telling you." "I just wanted to touch you. The rest are afraid of you, and you don't want to be in charge." Chalker kisses Roo's fingertips and touches them to the middle of his forehead. In the background, Jax shakes his head.

The next day is the 25th of Harvest Time. Trace continues to study the plant with a view to using it to nullify magic.

The sixth new gate that Rory, Chalker, and Striker step through leads to a wooded glade on a clear, sunny day. Standing next to a tree is an elven warden. Rising from the center of the glade is a stone platform, three feet high. The warden notices them, and chalker waves him over while murmuring to Rory, "Find out where we are." Rory determines that they're in the northern part of the elven lands.

"Welcome," says the elf, "I am called Tyneal." They are four days' march east of the city of Trikedell. Rory pulls out one of his maps and says, "Please show me." As three bowman emerge from the trees and another elf steps up onto the platform, Tyneal describes the platform as a freestanding Venettian gate. "Why are you on such high alert?" asks Chalker. Tyneal: "Several shrines to the Mother of Night, located in Elven territory, have become active in the past moon." Rory asks "how many gates?" but Tyneal will not say. Chalker: "Mother does not use these gates." Rory and Chalker explain that they are investigating the gates, but they don't leave any of them open for long because of the archmage that is following them. Rory suggests they have Trace close the gate now and re-open it in an hour.

One of Tyneal's guards, Qwis, upon learning Chalker and Rory's names, says he has heard tell of the events in Yavelin as well as the cleansing of the temple of the Mother of Night. "You and those who aided in the liberation of Yavelin are considered friends of the elves." Qwis's father could perhaps discuss Danilon with them, as he was present at the final confrontation with that warrior-mage; Chalker replies, "Maybe after the Godwalk."

Rory expresses interest in acquiring an elven bow for himself. He is told that he could probably have one made for him in Trikedell.

As they go back through the gate, Rory advises, "If Rinaldo Canana steps through, fill him full of arrows." Chalker stops Rory from revealing to Tyneal the location of the manor.

Rory and Chalker find three more gates that open into elven territory, and many others that are blocked.

Trace sleeps that night, and wishes to speak with 'the farmer' Erathaoe. "How do you make things grow faster?" "You would accelerate time for the plant itself. That does not hurt the plant or affect its properties." Erathaoe allows that there have been a few cases of 'plant demons."

Chalker, feeling adventurous, calls forth Aaoo. "Do you know what an electrolaser is?" "They can cause exquisite pain." "Is it a Venettian weapon?" "No." "When will your aspect change? Will you ever change back?" Aaoo's expression twists with anger, her eyes glare with madness, and her voice is rough with agony: "That can never be." "Mistress, you live too long for 'never.'" "You ask questions best not brought up, mortal." "I apologize. You've answered my questions. I didn't mean any disrespect." Aaoo raises one hand as though to touch Chalker, then reluctantly lowers it. "I am told it is not the time." Chalker calls out "Roo?" He wakes up, sweating, and beside him, in the flesh, is Roo. "That was close." "I was simply concerned about her. Being crazy is not healthy." "You have a very high chance of surviving the Godwalk. Beware of avatars. Her almost-breach gives me the opening to tell you this. Asseraah will have a challenge calming down Aaoo; he may see you as even more of a threat now."

Rory asks Jax, "Have you talked to Aliana lately?" "Yes. She seems to be doing well."

Trace learns a new spell, Heal Plant.

Chalker, Rory, and Striker step through their 12th gate of the morning and atop a granite platform inside a windowless room. To their left is a table on which is the corpse of a halfling, fairly fresh, split or cut open. The room seems to be an alchemy lab, lit with torches and light globes. Rory determines that it's located up in the mountains north of Gateway. The gate they came through had been relocated to this room from elsewhere. Chalker starts to step down from the platform when he notices a 2' wide border made of a different kind of stone; he hops over it.

Chalker starts toward an open door. He hears movement beyond it, and starts to look through.

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