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Shawna and Chalker return to the Boar's Head. Cliff Tran leaves them to go to his girlfriend's house near Temple Row. In the tavern Rory, Trace, and Striker are having dinner. Trace relates that the portal-detecting device is broken. Earlier in the afternoon he had been studying its workings and had been mentally attacked by someone with Moedian training who had tracked him through it. He had fought off the attack, and he thinks that in time he can rebuild the device. (Shawna checks him and there is no difference in Trace's aura.)

Rory has joined the MapMasters Guild and has already made corrections and updates to some of their maps.

A little later Shawna visits Temple Row. She notes with amusement that two acolytes of Asseraah spot her and rush away.

Since sundown Ahn-Lee has been on a rooftop, watching a certain alleyway. Around 10pm a tall, scrawny kid enters the alley and sets himself to watch the street. Over the next several minutes about fifteen other kids filter into the alley, speaking quietly with the one named Jimmy. Jimmy listens to their reports, which include "the elven warrior has returned; she went into the Boar's Head."

After about three-quarters of an hour the other kids trickle away into the shadowy streets, leaving Jimmy alone. He leaves the alley and turns left onto the street. Ahn-Lee follows on the rooftops as Jimmy makes his way to another part of town. Jimmy goes around to the back door of the Green Lantern tavern, where an old woman lets him in. Ahn-Lee waits where he can watch the back door, and Jimmy emerges 45 minutes later, munching on a chicken leg. Ahn-Lee shadows him.

Jimmmy seems to sense that he's being followed and speeds up somewhat. Ahn-Lee, keeping to the rooftops, paces him. After a series of direction changes, Jimmy appears to think he's lost his tail. He goes around to the back of an old building, climbs the wall to the third story, pushes open a window, and crawls inside. It is midnight. Ahn-Lee watches for an hour, then decides to return to the meeting place in the alley after getting some rest.

Around 7:45am on Change Time 27, Chalker joins Rory and Striker for breakfast. Rory intends to go do some research at the mapmakers' guild. Chalker asks Rory to check on the progress of the Dolyena ambassadorial residence, giving him a signed and sealed authorization letter. Chalker comments that he might check in at the Bicarn residence.

Ahn-Lee, who had awakened at sunrise, makes the rounds of his various drop points to check for messages. He receives a notice that there is a meeting of his guild on the 30th which he is expected to attend.

Mounted on the warhorse, Chalker is riding through a marketplace when he spots a familiar figure strolling in the direction of Temple Row. Simultaneously, Ahn-Lee is traversing a marketplace toward one of his drop points when he sees the man who had hired him yesterday. Ahn-Lee follows; he wants more details about the person he's supposed to look for.

Chalker and Ahn-Lee converge on Jax at the same time. (Chalker is 6' tall, 200 pounds, tanned, dressed like a diplomat, armed with a sword and dagger. Ahn-Lee is around 30 years old, 5'11", 205 pounds, with brown hair and green eyes and a light tan, wearing loose clothing, light armor, and two sheathed long knives -- one at his waist, the other in a cross-draw position.)

Jax: "I could swear you both were following me."
Chalker: "I'm not following; you beckoned."
Jax: (looking at Ahn-Lee, pointing at Chalker) "This is the one who brought me back into the city. ... I expect him there tonight. Her info is generally quite good."
Chalker: "You wanted me to meet this guy, didn't you? (muttering) I should have hooked onto something."

Jax continues on his way. Chalker dismounts and extends a hand, introducing himself as "Chalker Jackson from Dolyena." Sizing up Ahn-Lee with a glance, he continues, "Jax meant for us to meet. You should know more about who you're dealing with. Come to the Boar's Head later. One of his followers can tell you about him -- if you want to stay alive, that is." Ahn-Lee retorts, "How do I know I can trust you?" Replies Chalker, "I have money and a warhorse. What would I want from you?"

The two men go their separate ways, Chalker toward the imperial palace. Ahn-Lee finds at his drop point a note to consult with another member of his guild, a man of lower rank than himself, mid-afternoon today at the north market square at a food stall.

At the palace, Chalker asks to see the court wizard. During the thirty minutes he is kept waiting, he notices two people watching him through spy-holes. The person who finally arrives is a woman named Felicia Estranza, and she is not the chief wizard. She thanks Chalker for the information he had provided earlier regarding the artifact in the palace museum. Chalker describes the wine cellar in Old Town with its evil thing that should have been dead but was up and moving around; it was evidently centuries old. "We burned it up, but it's still down there. I'd like your group to go collect it. Send some relatively powerful people. I don't know if there is more than one. I would like a report on what you find."

Ahn-Lee decides to take a quick look around the Boar's Head, which is located on the east side of the main market square. He notices a gang of street kids keeping watch over the place as they play nearby. He approaches their leader, a boy of about ten or eleven who says his name is Ed. Ahn-Lee asks Ed if he knows Jimmy. "I may have heard of him," Ed replies, looking up at Ahn-Lee expectantly. Ahn-Lee gives him a half-copper and says, "Tell me what you know." "You can do better than that." Ahn-Lee gives the kid another half-copper, and Ed smiles and becomes positively talkative. Ed tells him about Jimmy, the Green Lantern Tavern, and Ed's leader Jim, who knows Jimmy. "Jim's away running errands, probably at the Merchants Guild. He's a full-fledged member, you know. Tell him I sent you."

Shawna rides out to the Elven Quarter. She knows most of the people there to one degree or another, but she notices two people actively avoiding her. One of them is from the Lien family, who are mostly rangers and scouts near the orc lands.

Chalker makes his way to the Bicarn embassy. The servant who opens the door recognizes him by his regalia and is struck speechless. Chalker says politely, "Would you tell the Ambassador that Chalker Jackson from Dolyena would like to see him?" The servant is so rattled that he shuts the door in Chalker's face. A few moments later, the door opens again and an embassy official bows and ushers Chalker inside. "My deepest apologies, Ambassador." "No problem -- it's early. He's probably not awake yet."

The Bicarn embassy is designed to impress. Richard Melber, the Bicarn ambassador, smiles broadly at Chalker. "What a pleasure, Ambassador!" (Chalker knows that the Melbers are related to the royalty of Bicarn and that Richard Melber is the third son of a duke.) Melber acknowledges that Greater Bicarn is moving to claim the former orc-occupied territories. Chalker asks, "Would it be possible for me to buy land in Greater Bicarn?" Melber replies, "It would have to have royal approval. I will send an inquiry with the next courier ship." Chalker: "Beware of your expansion to the north. And 'you're welcome.'" Melber: "So you were involved. Thank you. We don't want orcs on our border." Chalker: "It was the largest orc army ever seen, and my companions and I drove them away."

Melber had been suspicious of the false Dolyenan ambassador, and had mentioned his doubts to a few others; "I trust you will deal with that situation appropriately." Chalker: "I'm trying to repair any damage he may have done." Melber: "He was nowhere near as polite as you." Chalker: "I take Bicarn seriously." Melber: "As we take Dolyena seriously."

As they part ways, Melber says, "May the First Chosen watch over you." Chalker: "May you speak to them soon." Melber: "On sixth day, I will."

Melber has a magic item that failed to block Chalker's Aura sense. Melber is avaricious, has been exposed to demons, has been possessed/ridden by a mage, is corrupt, strong-willed, single-minded, and very intelligent.

Chalker checks in at what will become the Dolyena residence. Striker is sleeping in front of the building, and Rory is inside directing the workmen. Rory says, "In about a week it should be ready for you to move in." Chalker asks him to map out the secret rooms, and "hire a really good decorator."

Shawna learns that nobody knows who the two elves are. They don't go where the rangers or warders hang out.

At the Merchants Guild, Ahn-Lee asks the fellow at the information booth about "a kid named Jim, a new member of your guild." "At present, he is in a meeting." "I'll wait." After about an hour, someone comes to take Ahn-Lee to a room where he meets ten-year-old Jim Bore, accompanied by a young man (early 20s) named Ed Tyler.

Ahn-Lee: "You're doing pretty well for yourself. Are you familiar with a lot of the street kids?"
Jim: "A lot of them are working for me now. Some still work for Rory... that is, Merchant Aurora Borealis. He sponsored me for the guild."
Ahn-Lee: "Do you know Jimmy? Do you know anybody who might want to hurt him?"
Jim: "Jimmy helped me a lot, gave me a lot of info."
Ahn-Lee: "Does he have enemies?"
Jim: "He's nosy... some people don't like that. There's someone he runs info for."
Ahn-Lee: "He possibly got in over his head?"
Jim: "There's a rumor that one of the people he runs messages for got killed. Is he in danger? Should I warn him?"
Ahn-Lee: "I wouldn't worry about it. I wanted to see what you are aware of."
Ed: (speaking up) "Who are you affiliated with? You don't look like a guard."
Ahn-Lee: "I'm just someone who heard something about Jimmy. I wouldn't worry about it."
Ed: "I will work with Merchant Bore to warn Jimmy to be careful. I will also inform Merchant Borealis -- he has an affinity for the street kids."
Jim: "Rory stays at the Boar's Head with some friends. The kids can tell you. They're good people; they gave us jobs. Someone paid for Kate's funeral."
Ahn-Lee: "Glad to hear someone's looking out for you."

Ahn-Lee spends some time looking around the Merchants Guild until his 3pm meeting.

Chalker goes to Kristina Odom's manor, where he is shown inside immediately. Five minutes later, Kristina appears. Kristina: "Thank you for last night."
Chalker: "I have the Crown coming in to clean up. How much for that building?"
Kristina: "We could let it go for 3g. Yes, including the wine cellar." [Bill: "The Evil Dead Thing is not a value-added item."]
Chalker: "I'm hiring the two guards, but not the manager, though he's braver than he thinks he is."
Kristina: "Remember me kindly when the Imperial auditors ask about your dealings with the Talisman Group. The documents will be ready tomorrow."
Chalker: "Merchant Borealis will handle things."
Kristina: "I will hire mages to check out all our properties."
Chalker: "Have you ever met Jax?"
Kristina: "No, I have not. About ten years ago I met one of his disciples in Orden... his name was Joseph, or Daniel... He prevented us from buying a particular parcel of land. That was the first time I'd heard of Jax. I understand he is a child of one of the First Chosen --"
Chalker: "-- and the Mother of Night."

Kristina looks alarmed that Chalker actually spoke that name aloud. Chalker bids her goodbye and makes his leisurely way back to the Boar's Head.

Allowing her luck to guide her, Shawna spots one of the two suspect elves, follows him, then corners him. "This way, brother," she says, leading him to a cafe where she orders tea for them both. He is quite obviously uncomfortable in her presence, and as she questions him he quickly becomes agitated. Suddenly he rises and lunges across the table at her. Unfortunately for him, in the very brief melee he breaks his leg. With a spell Shawna knocks him out, and with assistance from a bystander splints the leg. She beckons to a city patroller who turns out to be Rowena, captain of the Winged Folk guard, gives over custody of the elf, and outlines her suspicions about Dark Elves gathering in Sapphire.

A little after 2:30pm Ahn-Lee realizes someone, possibly a thief, has been following him; he thinks he might have seen the man earlier as he was making his way between the Boar's Head and the Merchants Guild. Making sure the thief sees him, Ahn-Lee cuts into an alley and hides in the shadows. The thief stops at the mouth of the alley, peering into the shadows, and as soon as he takes another step Ahn-Lee grabs him, spins, slams his back against the wall, and presses a knife to his throat, drawing a thin trickle of blood. Under questioning, the thief admits, "My boss -- I'm from a thieves' group two areas over -- was paid for information about anyone who came out of the Boar's Head." "Who hired your boss?" Ahn-Lee asks, pressing the knife a bit harder when the thief hesitates. "It was a priest of one of the First Chosen.... I don't know which... Maybe I can find out for you?" "How can I trust you?" "My name is Eulen..." "That's a stupid name." "My family comes from the far eastern part of the Empire." "You're with the Thieves Guild?" "We've had trouble ever since the Night of Marker... The guild meets over near the Molted Butterfly [a sleazy bar]... There are three others watching the Boar's Head." Ahn-Lee orders him, "Tell them you didn't see anything, that you had an accident and cut your neck. Do everything to remove attention from me." Weak-kneed, Eulen moves away in the direction of the Boar's Head.

Ahn-Lee looks around and sees no one else suspicious, so he continues toward his rendezvous. His contact, Nigel, tells him "I got somebody who wants to hire the guild. But I get premonitions, so I wanted to ask you. Someone wants a contract on an out-of-towner, but my intuition says it's a trap. The guy's flunky called hisself 'John Smith,' talked with a foreign accent. About average height, a bit paunchy, plain face, black shoulder-length hair, shabby clothes." "I think you need to let it go. You're not prepared to deal with such a high-profile target." "Sounds like a good time to be getting out of Sapphire for awhile."

Near the Boar's Head, Chalker looks around for the Head Kid in Charge, who tells him, "Someone wanted to talk to Jim, so I sent him to the Merch Guild." From the description, Chalker realizes it was Ahn-Lee. Giving the kid a copper, Chalker says, "You've done well. Now I know something else about him."

Chalker is seated inside the Boar's Head tavern, reading notes he'd received from Rory and Trace, when Ahn-Lee enters, walks directly to his table, and seats himself across from him.

Ahn-Lee: "I've been looking for you."
Chalker: "I know you have."
Ahn-Lee: "You draw a link between Jax and Asseraah."
Chalker: "I asked in order to find out what you didn't know."
Ahn-Lee: "I'm running into people -- Jax, kids, you... What's going on?"
Chalker: "I'll give you info, you give me info. Are you hungry?"
Ahn-Lee: "No, I just ate."

Chalker beckons over a waitress who knows Cliff Tran; she will send someone to his girlfriend's house to fetch him.

Chalker: "You were walking with the god of Twilight. You're in pretty deep when you're dealing with Jax."
Ahn-Lee: (with a touch of sarcasm) "You're the kind of person who deals with gods."
Chalker: "They're interested in me. I've PO'ed quite a few people."
Ahn-Lee: "Jax hired me to perform an unrelated assassination. I'm informed that someone wants to take out a contract on you. A foreigner."
Chalker: "Bicarn. We're not enemies, but they have reason to hate me. I have now put my embassy next to theirs. Did you take the contract?"
Ahn-Lee: "No."
Chalker: "I'll pay you not to kill me. ... I stopped the orcs from taking their land. ... They think Rory is a spy. He's a very good merchant; he's co-opted a whole bunch of kids to work for him. You're not going to kill a kid, are you?"
Ahn-Lee: "I've been in town a long time; I've never encountered any of this stuff."
Chalker: "I'm waiting for another of my companions, an elf."
Ahn-Lee: (muttering) "Just what I don't need." (Chalker realizes that Ahn-Lee is a half-elf.) "I prefer to keep to myself."
Chalker: "I'm trying to figure out why Jax wanted me to see you. You are unusual, a half-elf assassin. I sent for one of his disciples -- maybe he can decipher Jax's mind."

Rowena reports to Shawna that the other Dark Elf suspect has been taken into custody. Shawna speaks with the captain of the guard of the Elven Quarter; he tells her "Lord Thire's estranged son helped take down a group of dark elves a few nights ago, over on the edge of Old Town." Shawna: "They didn't come here to start something. They came looking for something that's already here."

Chalker: (musing) "Jax doesn't hire assassins, but he's paying you."
Ahn-Lee: "Quite well, in fact."
Chalker: "He has a motive more than just killing someone. We're all pieces in a puzzle."

Cliff Tran walks in, turns a chair around and straddles it.

Chalker: "This is a disciple of Jax."
Ahn-Lee: "What are his motives?"
Cliff: "To keep the balance."
Ahn-Lee: "Jax asked me to kill a guy who's after a street kid, head of a gang near the Green Lantern. Jimmy, that's the kid's name. What's special about Jimmy?"
Cliff: "He's a pivot point around which a couple of catalyst groups rotate, and you're about to join a catalyst group. It's wrong to kill, but sometimes you have no choice. You must have done something in the past couple of months that went toward the Twilight. This may be a way to redeem yourself. You're moving into the 'movers and shakers' category."

Shawna arrives, perturbed about Dark Elves. Chalker introduces Ahn-Lee, who grumbles about unwanted attention from the gods. Shawna says sincerely, "You unlucky man. You have my sympathy." Ahn-Lee: "That's the first nice thing anyone's said to me."

Rory and Striker arrive, and the six of them have dinner.

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