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Chalker leads the goblin, Cal, to the Temple of Aakbarath, ramarking "I'm not one of her favorites." Cal: "Which aspect?" Chalker: "Vengeance." Cal: "I prayed for vengeance after High Lord Bajeeter got killed, but not to become the vessel." Chalker: "This time I want you to walk with me. Stay a few feet back, in case I get hit by lightning."

Chalker gives observance then begins walking. "Well, V, I haven't spoken with you in a very long time. I don't need to pray for vengeance, and I'm usually the bringer of hardship. I'd like to talk with you if you're not too busy. I brought somebody who knows about hardship... in case you're hungry." The door behind the altar opens and a priestess walks up beside Chalker, who continues, "Are you part of a plan to enhance the Mother of Night in Sapphire? Does that help you?" The priestess answers in a normal voice, "The Mother of Night's activities are being channeled to help the people of the realms." Chalker: "Does that mean you are involved?" "This Temple has had many supplicants within the past moon." "Is there any way I can help you?" "You and those around you have engendered a lot of prayers." "Are you going to grant them? I know that Cal is with me because of your plan." The priestess turns to look at Cal, mumbles inaudibly, then turns back and says, "My lady has not granted any specific request for vengeance. She is taking a patient view." "She scares me, a bit. Have you been in her presence? It is disconcerting. I don't want hardship or vengeance, I just want to talk to her. I'm sure we will intervene in this plan, and I want you to know it is said that you're involved."

As they leave the temple, Chalker exclaims, "People are praying for hardship on me! Did you?" Cal: "No, I was in it for the money." "Well, then, welcome to hardship."

Chalker writes in his journey book: Headed to manor to look at the papers. You all, come for lunch. Ahn-Lee writes back that he and Kimtri are on an assignment that may take a couple of days.

During her meditations, Shawna feels particularly close to Delsa/Yasseph. You are being fortified for the future, being strengthened... this is tied into the ongoing discussions of the First Chosen... you are one of the pivot points... with your faith, dedication, and drive... You are an extension of myself... You will have the opportunity to free the dragon... The timing moves with me and Roo... Continue patience and diligence. Regarding her work to eliminate slavery from Malprin and its neighboring kingdoms, Shawna states that she is being constantly diverted from this work. These fated events strengthen you while advancing the tasks... Each day makes your desire for freedom for the world closer to reality. Regarding the Mother of Night's increased activity in Sapphire: It is for only as long as necessary. "Soon." Jax does not advance her cause, but his parents' happiness. "Same thing." She is confused and angry. "I'm supposed to pity her?" I don't, and I don't require you to. "You don't require me to do anything."

Alastor asks Danny, the Copper Kid who's been hanging around the apothecary, "Are you available for the next few hours? Make sure I check in every five minutes by sounding this bell." Alastor carefully studies the bag taken after last night's fight. The bag, made of cloth, is rough on the outside and smooth on the inside. The most notable of its herbal contents are two types of berries, a blood-red berry with a purgative effect, and a bright green berry he doesn't recognize. The various herbs' effects combine numbing, foolishness, and influence over a person or creature. A check of his reference books indicates that the green berries have "mythical" qualities; supposedly they are blessed by Aakbarath and are used by "those who crave vengeance." When cut open, the green berries ooze a dark blue juice. He writes an overview of his findings in his journey book, including, Green berries linked to Aakbarath. Twelve red, six green.

Fredi, one of the Copper Kids, tells Neville that a carpenter will visit tomorrow to help Neville evaluate how his house may be rebuilt. As Neville goes about his chores, a well-dressed teenage male approaches and says, "Good morning. I'm called Gem." Neville replies, "Good morning. You're obviously one of my neighbors." "I'm sorta new to this part of town. Are you a spiritual man?" "Neither for nor against." "You've been a soldier, haven't you? Then you know about Gauder." "I know some battle hymns," and Neville begins to sing. When the song is done, Gem asks, "What's your favorite weapon?" "Hands and feet. Though I've used swords, harpoons, weapons of many sorts." Gem approaches, staring at Neville's hands, then points to his left fist; "May I?" Gem traces over Neville's knuckles, muttering "Oh, that's interesting." Then just before he departs, Gem says, "It's been a pleasure. It's a good day to have lunch with friends." Neville, thoughtfully: "Yeah, they usually pay." Neville dons his "going-out clothes," asks the Copper Kids to keep an eye on things, and sets off with his puppy Ginger for Envoy Manor.

Studying the reports and maps, Chalker learns that the PDG group is "involved with" a manor house two hours south-southeast of Sapphire belonging to Baron Travis Phelps, and a manor for sale at the edge of the Merchant Quarter in Sapphire. Baron Phelps is a diplomat, an imperial envoy, and troubleshooter, and is presently on an extended mission in Ordin. The caretaker for the Baron's estate is Genly Torrez.

Alastor swings by Azzhik's shop and offers to sell him a couple of vials of spider venom. Azzhik sniffs at the venom, then dips in a claw and takes a taste. "Ahhh, good stuff, very powerful, much use for it. Do you need antidote?" Alastor replies, "No use making an antidote. The victim dies within a few seconds." "I will analyze. May be useful to dilute." Azzhik pays Alastor 1gp for a vial, and tells him to return in two days for his analysis.

Neville and Shawna arrive at Envoy Manor at the same time. Neville asks her, "Do you know about the First Chosen?" He describes his visitor, Gem; she guesses that it was probably Mensep in one of his guises. Neville says he wants to learn how to make magical tattoos, and Shawna promises to locate a teacher through the Mages Guild.

Sten Gibson, Chalker's "guest", glares at Cal as the goblin, Chalker, Neville, and Alastor enter the room where he's being held. Chalker begins by pouring a vial (supplied by Alastor) down Sten's throat. Sten admits that no, Tate Patel wasn't there last night; once again, he mentions Patel's distinctive voice. There's a house in the city being set up as a trap "to kidnap somebody powerful... there's magic stuff being installed.... They're invoking Asseraah, Aakbarath, Aaoo, Gauder, and (whisper) the Mother of Night." Chalker: "That would make me awfully angry." Sten: "They also had some puppet mage doing something with rats." Chalker: "She died." Sten: "Too bad, she was cute." (Chalker writes quickly in his journal: Shawna, that trap is for you. Sten adds, "Torrez is a weasel."

Jeeves enters with a journey book which he presents to Chalker, who hands it to Neville.

Chalker: "Sten, you're going to jail, but we're not going to kill you. We were gonna have Cal kill you, but things have changed. If you tell your story to the guards first, you'll probably live." Alastor steps up behind Sten and places his hands on Sten's shoulders. Sten describes in detail a house in the Merchants Quarter, giving exact directions, floor plans, descriptions of the houses on either side. It's a two-story house made of stone and wood. "At least a dozen" PDG members, including two elf mages, have worked on the trap; "The male was mean, didn't like goblins or humans." He names other PDG members in the city (Neville writes them in his new journey book). Sten had visited a shrine to "her" (the Mother of Night); "It was creepy. She scares me." He'd seen her as an old hag and as a young temptress. He doesn't know anything about spiders. The elves had worked with "leaves and 'nature stuff' including bright red and green berries. He doesn't know about an Apothecary Conspiracy; however, two years ago in Gateway, PDG had wiped out an apothecary guild.

Alastor draws two knives. Chalker: "Why?" Alastor: "Because the potion's not permanent." He stabs Sten fatally. "We can't turn him over. I don't have diplomatic immunity." Chalker: "He was a criminal and a traitor. Next time, let's discuss this before you go into murder mode." Alastor: "It's more efficient this way." Chalker: "With me, it's killing with efficiency." Alastor: "Next time, I'll ask." Chalker: "He was becoming useful." Alastor: "I don't think it's a loss."

Chalker instructs Cal to report to one of his contacts, then lay low in Old Town.

Chalker demonstrates Tiny Wagon and Flame On! to Neville and Alastor. Shawna suggests bringing Relinda along.

Outside, Chalker jogs toward three priests of Asseraah, one of whom quickly leaves, but the other two approach boldly. Chalker: "Brothers, in all sincerity -- Shoo! Or I will hurt you." He demonstrates by punching one of them solidly in the face, knocking the priest out cold. To the other Chalker says, "Now you're going to pick him up and shoo!"

Relinda gives her analysis of the house. There is magic on the doors, windows, walkway, even the chimney. The walkway and the front door each have an additional spell. The chimney has a spell she calls 'strange'.

Three mercenaries stand in front of the house, talking; two others lean against the back wall. Neville charges around the corner, begins booming out a hymn to Gauder, and barrels toward the three mercs. One of them (M2) stands gaping, mesmerized; M1 and M3 spread out and draw weapons. Neville kicks M2 so hard the merc skids backward.

M2, trying to stay on his feet, slips and face-plants. M1 and M3 each strike Neville with no effect. Neville grabs at each of them, but his hands slide off their leather armor. Shawna dashes toward the door; Chalker follows.

Neville punches M3 hard. M1 and M3 swing and Neville parries them both. Alastor observes movement through a side window on the second floor.

Shawna leaps at the door crying "Delsa!"; ignoring whatever spell she just triggered, she kicks in the door and lands on her feet in the foyer. Chalker leaps over the walkway behind Shawna. Neville punches M3. Alastor, certain now he sees a human shape framed in the second story window, heads toward another window to the left of the door, drawing one of his knives. M4 starts to ready his crossbow, while M5 moves toward the front yard.

Shawna, feeling drawn in that direction, starts up the stairs to the left. Chalker sweeps to the left. Alastor sees something man-sized (M6) through the window and readies a second knife. Neville strikes M3 and parries M3's attack. M2 finally gets to his feet. M1 squints at Neville's armor, searching for weak points.

Alastor sees M6 drawing something from his belt. Neville grabs M3 and punches him solidly in the head; stunned, M3 falls down. Chalker sees three men in the next room; he closes the door. Alastor sees G1 turn his head and look to the left. M2 finds his sword. M1 attacks an elbow joint in Neville's armor; Neville parries. Shawna reaches the top of the stairs and heads for a closed door.

Shawna puts her shoulder to the door and it springs open. In the middle of the room stands a partially-constructed shrine to Aakbarath; placed around it are herbs, various paraphernalia, and a rusty axe. At the window, wearing robes over leather armor, stands a hooded female (E1). Through the window, Alastor sees a second person moving; he dives through the window, shattering the glass, and drives his knife into G1's body (G1 fails to dodge). Neville tries to punch M1 in the groin, but M1 dodges; "I need a different song." E1 whirls to stare at Shawna, then steps back, muttering a prayer. G1 and G3 swing at Alastor and miss. The door opens and G2 runs himself onto Chalker's waiting sword, right through the heart.

Chalker pushes G2 back into the room and closes the door; he sees Alastor facing two mercs, one of them badly injured. Shawna draws her blade, shouts "For Delsa!" and slashes E1 (whose robes try and fail to entangle Shawna's sword). M1 manages to scratch Neville, who stops singing and growls. E1 continues her prayer, taking another step back toward the window. G1 and G3 both miss Alastor; G1 parries Alastor's knife, but Alastor stabs G3 with a poisoned blade, immediately paralyzing G3. Neville punches M1.

Shawna calls out "Praise Aakbarath!" and runs E1 through the solar plexus; E1 falls. Alastor hits G1 in the vitals. The poison takes hold of G3, who is dying.

Chalker opens the door and Alastor is the only one standing. "All clear." Chalker observes a holy symbol of Aakbarath on the back wall, and notices a small "mouse hole" at the base of that wall.

Chalker checks behind the wall with his Penetrating Vision and sees a strange creature that looks like a cross between a porcupine and a warthog. It's confined in a wire cage formed from bright metal, and it seems to be either asleep or in suspension. Neville hits M1 who finally drops; M3 hits but barely gets through Neville's armor.

Shawna, while making sure E1 is dead, witnesses Dar claiming her spirit. Neville critically hits and stuns M3, then finishes him off using his harpoon. Neville starts around the side of the house.

Alastor asks Chalker about the symbols; Chalker explains "It's for Aakbarath" and adds "There's a monster behind this wall."

Neville confronts the last two mercs, B1 and B2, who are standing back-to-back. B2 raises his crossbow; Neville hurls his harpoon, impaling B2 clear through the chest. The bolt flies out and sticks in Neville's armor. B1 drops his weapon and slowly raises his hands in surrender. With an effort, Neville reins in his temper.

Shawna speaks words of honor to Vengeance and Hardship as she respectfully dismantles the shrine.

Alastor drags the dead mercs into the house. Neville marches B1 inside. "Traps?" "Not set yet." "Rope?" "That bin over there."

Chalker studies the wire cage. On it are symbols of Charesoon. He pulls the cage away from the wall and the monster inside doesn't even twitch. It's a fair-sized creature, maybe 90 pounds.

Neville ties up B1, then yells, "Sound off!" Shawna: "One!" Chalker: "Off!" Alastor: "What?"

Chalker checks the various mercs' pockets. Neville pays him 2g for his lost bet. He asks Chalker about the monster. Chalker replies, "Sometimes when you hurt Mother's children, they get bigger. Or more show up."

Alastor searches through crates and boxes of food, old rusty weapons, and various papers. Chalker realizes that Aakbarath would empower the weapons for Vengeance.

Alastor locates a merc contract listing 20 names, signed by Patel. Neville questions B1, who says the other twelve are headed to "some estate south of here, led by the one who hired us." Neville offers him parole if he answers questions and then keeps silent for 72 hours. B1: "We were to help set this place up and protect the two mages. The monster was delivered this morning." Neville warns him, "Don't accept any further Pandemonium Guild contracts. There will be no more mercy." B1: "After the parole period, I will so inform my captain." B1 says he would definitely recognize Tate Patel's voice if he heard it again.

After a short discussion with Chalker and Alastor, Neville addresses B1 again. "I release you from your parole. Go inform your guildmaster, then ride quickly to your compatriots. Tell them that when we arrive, they are to throw down their arms." B1 solemnly agrees to these terms. Chalker cuts his ropes with Flame On! and B1 departs.

Alastor wants to dismember the dead bodies and sell any useful parts to Azzhik. The others find the notion repulsive. Alastor: "I'm just wanting to build capital." Chalker: "Not every revenue stream is worth it." Alastor: "I see we're at an impasse."

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