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Founding Father of Infinite Solutions Introduces Two New Sons to the Sun
By Joel Valdez
Exclusive to the Sun-Times

I had a rare opportunity to interview Mr. Edward Nigma, said to be the founding member of Infinite Solutions Foundation, which sponsors Team Infinity headquartered in Chicago.

Joel: Mr. Nigma, how did Infinite Solutions first get started?

Mr. Nigma: Joel, just call me Edward. Well, it started a very long time ago, when I was just a youngster, if you can believe I was ever that young. I had always wanted to help people that couldn't help themselves. I started gathering people throughout the neighboring communities, people who had great potential, but if they kept traveling on their current path would have wasted the gifts they had.

Joel: Very interesting, Mr... Edward. I and our readers are more interested in how you were able to finance such a large organization as Infinite Solutions seems to be, and still be able to support all the charities and activities that are associated with Infinite Solutions, like the free clinics, the Glass Houses program, TriFocus Academy, and I believe there have been several summer camps started up around the Chicago area, to name a few of the things Infinite Solutions have been involved in.

Edward: Well, Joel, I am very proud of what Infinite Solutions has been able to accomplish in the Chicago area, and the nation for that matter, and would like to say that I had a hand in establishing all the charities and foundations that you speak of but, most if not all that you mentioned I had nothing to do with. Granted there are ties back to Infinite Solutions Foundation, but all the concepts and the hard work were the ideas of several individuals using mostly their own money to create these charities/foundations. They just also happen to be associated with the Infinite Solutions Foundation.

Joel: Why did you decide to start Team Infinity and how did you decide on Chicago? Not that I am complaining; it has been more than exciting covering Team Infinity.

Edward: I didn't pick Chicago, it picked us. Team Infinity started out as a private investigation team on a fact-finding mission, and has grown into what you see today.

Joel: Talking about growing, I believe that you were going to announce some new members?

Edward: Yes, thank you Joel. We have two new members that have decided to join Team Infinity. One is from the local area and the other comes from a great distance away.

First, Rockhenge has been working with the team on and off for the last year or so and has been asked to join the team.

The other is Apollos. Before he came to Chicago, he was last in Greece.

Joel: Well, thank you for your time, and I am sure that we will be hearing more about your new team members.

Edward: No, thank you for letting me tell my story.

Note: This is what appeared in print. A few items (like Jason Rathbone's name) and other details never made it to print.

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