Chicago:Team Infinity Historic Time Line:2005

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January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005



Previous Years Events

Spread out over previous year when time permits 

TriFocus Academy continues to grow. 30 more students enrolled in January 2005, bringing the total to 110. Headmistress Dr Jessica Spring wants to include grades down to 6th, and toward this end has hired a dozen more instructors. She still hopes to admit 250 students in the fall.

Another school for children with metahuman talents has been established in Massachusetts. TFA has offered to cooperate with this school and share techniques for teaching the young and gifted.

One of the most popular seminars of the Spring 2005 semester was a three-week poker class taught by Jason Rathbone. He taught the students not only how to play the game well, but how to recognize a cheat or a crooked game. At the end of the seminar, a campus Casino Night allowed the students to put their schooling to work (using funny money). Dr. Adrian Paul and Shabaz of Justice Patrol led other well-received seminars.

Blue Star (Anthony Darr) investigated the “fishy” instructor candidate that Jessica interviewed last year. He found that the man was a Fagin, trolling for young meta talents (and saw TFA as the mother lode). Darr dug up enough dirt to put the wannabe mastermind behind bars.

As of June 2005 the current construction phase is almost complete. Brodie Cates, overseeing security, discovers several enchanted ‘bugs’ deemed to be the work of the elusive Black Moon Society hidden within the walls. (Thaemon and others have been working to bring down the Society, but its leadership remains at large. They have somehow avoided almost all the various traps set for them, leading many to speculate that they have a powerful seer or precog working for them.) Thaemon, Earl, and some other mages scan the entire campus and find it clean.

Calissa Hook, the young woman who agreed to reside at TFA after last year’s demon gate scenario, has become an amalgam of magic, psi, and meta powers. She is a level 5 mage, damage resistant, can see in the dark, is immune to poison, clings to walls, possesses a strong mind-shield (non-psionic), levitation, psychokinesis, and a vibratory attack. She has a healing talent, but its use tires her. She is taking General Business courses at college while still contemplating what she wants to do with her life.

The three “problem kids” who enrolled in September 2003 are still attending TFA, and Jessica judges they are making good progress in overcoming their sociopathic tendencies. Another potential “problem kid” has signed up for summer session.

Fifteen seniors are scheduled to graduate this term, including Terry Roark, the school’s top hacker. Jessica holds a private counseling session with each of them. Five of the grads, all women, are mages (Samantha Etch among them). For each of them Thaemon crafts a powerstone class ring with a permanent Mystic Mark.

Graduation ceremonies take place on the evening of Friday, June 10, 2005. The event is open to the students’ families and to guests invited by the school. (Jessica jokes that she would have liked to open it to the public, but she figured John Whitetop and Brodie would kill her for such a large security risk.) The commencement speaker, Marcus Anthony, hails from Philadelphia; formerly he was a costumed superhero known as Captain Liberty, and is now a member of the US House of Representatives.

Almost as soon as graduation is over, Jessica sets out on a multi-city tour to raise public awareness of TriFocus Academy and the importance of giving special guidance to children with metahuman abilities. She brings with her a multimedia presentation put together by students to express how TFA has helped in their personal development. (Students are identified by pseudonyms only, and their images are digitally altered to make them unrecognizable.) Reg Myers, in his Joseph Lampton guise, accompanies her to many of these speaking engagements.

A civic-minded group in Los Angeles has invited Jessica to extend her tour by one more stop, so after returning to Chicago to welcome the students to the beginning of summer session, Jessica, Reg, and Brodie teleport with Thaemon to the TriFocus offices in the City of Angels.


July 2005

FRIDAY JULY 01, 2005

July 11 (Monday)

Danny Fodam is settled in at TriFocus Academy. Jessica and Danny confer to decide which Chicago area university he should attend. His training begins.

July 23 (Saturday)

Incident with New Troubled Student starting TFA in Summer Session. Zora Toradelli age 16 who; can hold breath 60 Minutes, Generate and Control Electrical power, and is clairvoyant may be a sociopath.

August 2005

August 19 (Friday)

End of TriFocus Academy Summer 2005 Session.

End of August

Danny Fodam begin his Sophomore College year at the City Colleges of Chicago. Still resides at TriFocus Academy and continues training in using/controlling his powers.

September 2005

September 6 (Tuesday)

TriFocus Academy begins it's third year of operations.

October 2005

Towards the end of October the Starling Family of San Francisco have a unique 'Haunted House' experience.

November 2005

December 2005

Dr. Jessica Spring asks Brodie Cates and Johnny Whitetop to increase Security at TriFocus Academy.

December 23 (Friday) through December 26 (Monday)

Team Infinity and the Justice Patrol deal with two Villian teams (X-Seven and Alpha Clan) that strike Chicago during the Christmas Holiday.

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