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What's a Poo-Sham?

Session Dates: June 2nd-16th 2007

Campaign Timeline: Sept 20th-24th 2006

GM: Tony Vasinda

All players were present for both sessions with the exception of Bobby J who missed one. Daniel Fearn played in the session Bobby missed. 2 XPs per session were awarded, +1 XP for preemptively ending the problem. Tom W also recived a bonus XP for excellent roleplaying and acting solely on character knowledge even in difficult situations.


PB & J NorthLee Import/Export has been doing well and is looking to increase its holdings. Axle started work on opening up offices and facilities in Hong Kong, and the company also expanded its New Orleans and London warehouse space to accomodate three large incoming shipments with a common destination. They also expanded their staff in both locations; the new hires include one Xavier Johnson.

Blake opens a Solution Security office in Atlanta and hires a manager for that office, Gabrielle Lawless. Unfortunately, his London office is faltering and is looking at cutbacks. Blake is not happy with this thought and provides some guidance on how to correct this problem. The office tells him that if they make an investment in a larger staff they would be able to cover a high-profile event comming up in late September. Blake gives the green light but seems to be seeing red.

Jeremy spends some time with Darvich tweaking the flyer.

In mid-March Kef notices a sharp decline in the number of precog visions and dreams she is experiencing, She figures maybe the drugs are finally working. However, she is continually getting short glimpses of three different cities (Chicago, London, and one other) through the eyes of an individual (perhaps more than one) who seems to be susceptible to psionic influence. Ed Gray emails her to say that he is having a similar experience.

Kines settles into an apartment and begins looking for a house in the area. He spends a little time with Jethro and Darvich talking about an idea he has for a magi/tech crossover device. He spends some time working with Paula trying to reconstruct what has happened to him over the last five years. Paula discovers a Mystic Mark over a tattoo that seems to be keeping Kines from talking about parts of his past. Paula begins urging him to talk to Kef about it, but John seems hesitant. Paula also suggests that they travel to Chicago to see if he can show her some of the things he seems unable to talk about.

Paula also works on her Mage Network.


In early September(the 7th) Axle recieves an email from the manager of his New Orleans site manager Steve ??? inviting him to come down and inspect the enlarged warehouse space and to meet the new crews and crew cheifs he has hired. Axle goes down and is shown the newly enlarged and remodled warehouse. He agrees that it is a vast improvement. Axle also meets Xavier Johnson one of the new crew cheifs that has been brought on. Xavier has a naturally likable quality about him and Axle tells Steve to make sure Xavier learns the ropes from top to bottom. Axle breifly looks over the order of cameras, shampoo, and rum that is comming through but everything seems to be in order.

A few days later Blake's recieves a invitation for himself and two others to London Fashion Week thanking him for the excellent deal they gave them for the security for their event. Immediatly upon reading the words "excellent deal" Blake calls Smitty, the manager of his London office, and begins to grill him on exactly what kind of deal was given. Smitty explanins it was a price cut in exchange for a large amount of ad space at the event. Blake is semi satisfied but also decides a trip to London may be in place for a number of reasons.

Paula and Kines let everyone know that they are planing a trip up to Chicago to look into Kines past and Kef says that she would like to go with them. Blake calls shortly after this to invite Kef to go to Fashion Week and she declines asking why she would even want to go.

Axle gets an email form his London site manager asking if he will have a chance to come and veiw their new space some time soon. Axle says sure. Blake calls Jeremy and asks if he can fly him to London on the 22nd of September, Jeremy says asks why and Blake tells him it is for a fashion show. After Jeremy finishes laughing he says sure. Axle calls Jermey and asks if he can fly him to London on the 20th, Jermey asks if he can wait to the 22nd and fly with Blake. Axle agrees.

Afte Jeremy, Blake and Axle are safetly in the air