Letter to the King and Queen of Dolyena

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To: King and Queen of Doylena

From: Chalker Jackson

Your Highness:

This letter is in response to a request from you and my mother on my companions and my thoughts on them. I will start with the one I am most concerned about.

The Sapphire Diamond is a construct of the First Chosen. It is a power artifact, and it is sentient. It communicates by speak in your mind. It has been very helpful so far, but I am still wary of it.

Jinto Salvorte the Elf has left the group. He is a young elf who was given the Sapphire Diamond. He is a pretty good mage. He seems to be very important to his fellow elves, since they can with such high level elves to retrieve him.

His replacement is human mage name Cori. He seems less powerful that Jinto, but I think it’s because he is new and has not proven his worth. He does have the aloof, know-it-all attitude that mages seemed to have. He says he is from the North, but he is vague on this point. He has a familiar. I think it is a goose-hawk (I call it a chicken-hawk or dinner). I really don’t know enough about him. My first impression is that he is either stupid or brave. So far I think it is a little of both.

The next person is Rory. He is a map-maker with a strange quirk. When he is asleep lights dance around his head. His is a reluctant warrior. He is a very lucky fellow. He is also thoughtful and seems to think things through compared to me and the dwarf.

The dwarf is Runis Silverear. He is an unusually dwarf because he is a bard, and his is pretty good. He is also loud, rude, smelly, greed, and overconfident. In this he is the typical dwarf. He is also extremely dangerous. Unlike Rory, he embraces the battle like a five year old in a mud puddle. His faith in the First Chosen is strong and it shows in all of his action.

The mysterious Aliana is the next companion I will write about. She wants to be a mystery, and she has succeeded in this want. She wears a cloak that hides her face. She speaks elven and dwarven. She does not follow any of the First Chosen, and she is actually hostile to them. She is a mage, but she seems untrained. She has advance skills that could have come from the theives and assassins guilds. She is deadly, fierce, and protective of her companions, though she tries to be stand-offs. She says that she is searching for something, but will not tell me what she is looking for, but I know that she is angry about something. She says she is not an elf, and I believe her (in this matter), and I don’t think that she is splitting hairs and is a half-elf. Remember, when I said that she wears a cloak that hides her face. Well during an adventure she was hurt, and while attending to her, I pulled back her cloak to bathe her face, and the is breath-takly beautiful. I see why she conceals her face. She likes to blend in and stay in the shadows, and her face is very memorable.

The last member of our merry band is Josh Andrews. His is not from this plane. This means that he is not from this world. He works for a God named Enigma. He seems like a straight forward individual, but I know that he is holding back a lot on information. I think he knows that we (the other members of the group) don’t know the right question to ask to make him actual have to lie. He is a good fighter, and a durable warrior. He has also let something slip. Remember the name Geriana Newsome? The super mage who lived 500 years ago. She and Josh are from the same world. That’s right, the mage was not from this plane. COR brought her here to this world. During our adventures I have notices that Josh is not the only off-worlder here. I am not sure what the off-world God Enigma’s motivates are, but at least one group of off-worlders were planning to take over our world. Their plans have been altered, and some of them are stuck here and on the run.

I am alright, but I have angered Assaraah, Aao, and the Mother of Night (though she is mad at the whole group). I have had conversation with Assaraah, Cor, and Men. I have been blessed by Cor and I think Men (I am not sure about the blessing). I am sure that I have offended at least two more First Chosen. The elves are keeping a watchful eye on me. I am probably being hunted by some upset Bales (this also includes the whole group), because of the destruction of their secret country. Besides these little thing, I am fine. Tell my mother, father, and the rest of the family, said “Hello:

Your Favorite,


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