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Valerie and Vicente come walking up a hiking trail, Valerie wearing a purple flower behind one ear. Vicente gives the rest of the group a summary of their adventure in the elf lands. There is speculation that the mysterious portals that opened in the world of the Sidhe were actually the effect of 'minor' wormhole experiments conducted by the scientists at Newberry College.

The group discusses what to do about their prisoner, Albert Douglas. He has admitted that he is a merc employed by the Chinese, and claims "we were trying to save you guys from the Feds." Vicente digs a shallow grave and orders Albert to lie down in it. Vicente casts Perfect Illusion to give himself the visage of a horrible demon, then threatens Albert, "If you say anything to anybody, you'll lie there permanently." Jack presses a couple of hundred dollars into Albert's hand, and Albert walks away from the campground without looking back.

Valerie audits one of Dr Thorn's science classes. Thorn appears to be in his 50s and has sharp, distinguished features. She takes him to lunch and uses acting and doubletalk to try to put doubts in his mind about the safety and consequences of the upcoming wormhole test. He refuses to believe that anything could possibly go wrong, but he does give her a pass that will admit her to watch the test.

Marcus returns to talk to the university president, Dr Sullivan, who is slightly apologetic about his previous reaction to Marcus based solely on his surname. Sullivan admits that there may be some things "out of the ordinary" going on regarding the conjunction of the science experiment and the political rally.

Vicente speaks with Ms Meredith Wynn, professor of European literature, telling her he is considering graduate studies in literature, and he had thought this was a respected liberal-arts college, "I find that this is a science school." Vicente: "What does Liberal Arts get out of it?" Wynn: "Not enough." "Dr Yeoman's office is bugged; is yours?"

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<Somebody else fill this in!>

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The group has taken several rooms in one of the campus dorms (which is all but vacant anyway since this is summer session). They will be allowed to observe the wormhole experiment tomorrow. The local chief of security, having realized he's very much over his head, is trusting the group to take the lead in dealing with whatever the outcome of the experiment might be.

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