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Intrinsius' magic katana now has a ruby in its hilt. His pet flame has disappeared.

Shawna goes into Cliff Hollow, passing burned-out fortifications and rousing unconscious humans. There is no trace of any dark halflings. Chalker scans and finds no dark copper within fifteen miles. Human craftsmen claim they had been maintaining some kind of clockwork, but the tools the DH had given them are now gone. They recall that the DH had been "agitated".

Shawna continues to the beacon, which had been emitting "spiritual energy" that was summoning or "pulling" something (a creature?) from the DH realm. She calls upon "the rains of Yasseph" to purify the area. There had been a power point, which Shawna concludes Asseraah had put there.

Chalker goes to the admin building and approaches Mage Ajani, a man apparently in his 40s but with white hair. Aura: fighting mage, Magery 4, probably 80 years old (despite looking much younger), very strong-willed but had been under DH influence. Mage Ajani claims "a powerful elf destroyed a beacon" along with the DH. "So we owe our liberation to the elven nation?" Chalker: "No." The DH had been there "a long time, a half-year or more. They just appeared one day." Chalker: "They didn't 'just appear'." Mage Ajani had been assigned here to build fortifications and "enter their faith." Now he is glad they're gone.

Chalker tells him "Gather up everything of or from the dark halflings and give it to the elves for destruction... Send a courier to Dolyena to open trade; say this message is from the Envoy... Also send a message to Sapphire from Ambassador Chalker Jackson."

Chalker notes that Cal has about him "the spiritual look of Mensep."

Chalker writes in his journey book, "The Baron awaits discussion."

Temple Row is found within the hollow. The shrines to Asseraah and Aaoo are small, with Aup's a bit bigger. Chalker enters each shrine, places his hand on the altar, and offers thanks. To Asseraah he says, "Father, what were you thinking?" A small voice replies, "Of course I was thinking of you." Chalker removes his hand from the altar, saying "Some roads I don't want to go down." In his mind he hears a chuckle.

A priestess of Aaoo nods as Chalker approaches. She says, "People will come for the soothing balm of Aaoo for their trauma." Chalker: "Sweetie, explain why you would do something to diminish yourself." Priestess: "But, honey... diminishing is increasing." Chalker: "I know you're not crazy. What did you want from the dark halflings?" The priestess, smiling and "snuggling" Chalker: "I wanted to advance the discussion, strengthen my followers. It's the reason for my existence." She kisses Chalker's cheek. Chalker: "I don't understand your including another deity, because then the equation doesn't balance." Priestess: "You see enough. The discussion is of a different octave." Chalker: "I'm going to leave before you get upset." As Chalker moves away the priestess tries to kiss his forehead, but misses by a few inches.

Shawna visits the dwellings where the DH were living. One middle-aged woman says she taught them spells.

Shawna and Chalker meet. "The Baron was summoned to Cliff Hollow by the dark halflings and was giving orders." His current location is unknown.

Shawna tells Tara, "I release you from my service."

At sunset a gentleman arrives. Appearing to be a human, six feet tall, sixtyish, distinguished-looking, he wears a hooded robe and bears a quarterstaff with a glowing tip. He is the Traveler, an avatar of Damarot. He leads the group along a corridor or tunnel, the floor glowing bright green. They pass through an archway and into the master council room of the dark halflings.

The chamber is ornate, guilded, and decorated with "honors" from the many races "subdued" by the DH. The floor seems to be stone but their footsteps do not echo.

They stop two yards from where the DH are seated. Before them in the center is Benard Roper; to his right Jago Boffin and Smirgo Stort; to his left Rezzo and Wazoa. There are also 20 guards.

Chalker reads Benard Roper's Aura (despite an attempted block): raw greed, megalomania, moderate spirit connection to his deity, high Will, no magery, "strange" psi. Chalker notes that in a "trophy room" above the chamber is a DH in robes directly above Benard Roper.

Chalker makes eye contact with each DH in turn. He detects objects at the base of their skulls and the ends of their spinal cords. He gets "a slight tingle" from Wazoa.

Chalker: "Do you know why I'm here?" Benard Roper: "I presume you bring a message from Erethel." Chalker: "I have good news -- all your people are dead. How did this happen? The way it normally happens -- we killed them. We've learned a lot, how easy you are to kill. If we have to have this conversation again, the killing will be on your side of the door. Am I making myself understandable?" BR: "That is quite clear."

Chalker steps forward and the guards also move closer. BR stands and says, "Is there more?" Chalker: "I want to know your answer, your plans." BR: "If we come back to your reality, you will kill us?" Chalker: "While you're thinking about that... the guy standing above you, if his purpose is to prevent eavesdropping or interference, well, you come through with ease." BR: "We have never been conquered. We will not try to go back to your reality to extend our dominion." Chalker: "To conquer, you mean." BR: "Some races are conquered, some are brought in as willing allies." Chalker: "I'm having a hard time -- Do you know how empires are built? You look like good slaves, willing allies. Will you object to being conquered?" BR: "Strenuously."

Chalker's further questions are answered stiffly with "Our deity will not be named to you. Our time grows short, we have business..." Chalker: "You could take time to answer our question." BR: "We would answer non-intrusive questions, not about our deity." Chalker's amulet interprets their deity's name as "he who is the creator of all that we hold."

Chalker: "Just one more question. Do y'all have giants here?" BR: "Yes." Chalker's Detect Lies indicates that BR has told "mostly" the truth, though "shaded."

Chalker starts to turn away, then turns back. "If you go to other realms and try to conquer them, they will be forewarned, and helped to repel and punish you." BR stiffens; "It is understood -- you will interfere wherever we go." Clearly BR is very upset and wants to attack Chalker but is controlling himself. Shawna: "Other forces in this reality are opposed to you." BR: "Your message is understood. May the currents of the inner realm provide appropriate passage." Chalker: "May they treat you with the respect you have given other realms."

All the DH rise and stand stiffly. Chalker walks past Shawna through the gateway. Shawna stands gazing steadily at the DH until the others follow the Traveler. Intrinsius, the last one out, hears screams of anger from the council room behind him.

Intrinsius: "Chalker, I think you hurt their feelings." Chalker: "I tried. If they'd made any moves, I would have set Dink-Dink on them." Traveler: "Well done, Messenger. I think they understood."

Chalker writes to Rory and Trace to prepare the gate from Cliff Hollow to Sapphire.

Loop will not go to Sapphire. For his service, Chalker pays him 10 gold pieces and gives him five horses.

For now, Tara will stay in Gu-Win with Loop. Later, she will seek out Solant and Belandrie. Shawna gives her elven ranger communicator stone to Tara to return to Belandrie.

In Sapphire, it is dawn on Blooming Time 17. Intrinsius asks Trace to identify his sword; "I think it might be necromantic." Later, Intrinsius takes his female "spy friend" to breakfast to "make sure anyone I don't want to be there hasn't been seen."

At Envoy Manor, Chalker has Jeeves unload Tiny Wagon. News around Sapphire: Royal guard activity in the north part of the city in the direction of the swamps; "something" in the Elven quarter; strangers from the central Empire; thieves' splinter groups "agitated" in the eastern part of the city.

Intrinsius, wearing a brown robe over his leathers and carrying his quarterstaff, notes royals on the streets, thieves on the corners, and... a new casino. Intrinsius has a gambling problem; he proceeds to lose 11 gold. Three people follow him from the casino. He heads for an abandoned building in Old Town near Envoy Manor, lets himself be cornered, and prepares a spell. Two of them follow him in; one of them draws two knives and says, "Hand over your gold, fool." Intrinsius: "This is your last chance. Put down your weapons and leave, or I'll take you into custody." They sneer at him.

Intrinsius hits #1, cracking ribs; stunned, he drops his knives. #2 immediately turns and runs. Intrinsius fast-draws and throws two knives, striking #2 who keeps running. Intrinsius picks up his staff and hears #3 (who had waited outside the building) run away. He sits #1 on a stool and shakes him out of his stun. "What do you think you're doing?" #1, slurring: "You don't need all that money... didn't know you were that good with a quarterstaff. I'm just a courier..." Intrinsius: "Leave your weapons and go." Intrinsius makes note of this place for future ambushes, then heads to Envoy Manor to take a nap.

Shawna dreams of spring meadows and peaces. When she awakens, she notices she has a "power pool" of mana over her heart.

At dinner Intrinsius tells his friends about the thieves' guilds re-forming, and how he lost 11 gold at a new casino. He is going to rent a room at the Boar's Head.

Chalker plans to talk to "Molly" and to the emperor.

Lady Thire told Shawna that two dark elves had been captured in the eastern part of Sapphire and put themselves in a coma.

Chalker goes to the Boar's Head where a new bard is performing. Molly is seated at the bar, dressed as a red-haired merchant. He invites her to his table and buys her a Bajeeter Special (while he drinks ale). She denies trying to rob a paladin earlier that day. Chalker: "He's an honorable guy. He likes cards and dice and drink." Molly: "If he's a friend of yours, he's probably flowing with gold." There are three new casinos in town and Molly's been trying to find out who owns them.

Abigail takes Intrinsius by the arm and asks, "What do you need?" "Someone to teach me Disguise, and some books on thaumatology." "I suggest you join the Mage Guild to get access to their library."

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